Coronavirus: Immune System Boost to Help Prevent the Disease


Your immune system protects you from bacteria, viruses and other microbes. It is a complex network of organs and cells — one affected for better or worse by what you eat, drink, think and do. We have heard a lot about what to do to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID 19). While this information is invaluable, many people need to know what they can do to boost their immunity and fight back against the disease if they get it.

Below we outline some essential ways to help boost your immunity to protect against coronavirus.

Reduce Stress


There is a strong link between your mental health and your immune health. When we're stressed out our body produces stress hormones which tax the immune system. If you can’t change the events in your life that are causing stress (ie a certain global pandemic that is on our minds 24/7 lately), the goal is to change your response to it. Stress relief techniques like meditation, tai chi and yoga all involve deep breathing which changes the brain’s fight or flight response. Acupuncture boosts the immune system by balancing out the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of your nervous system. While we are practicing social distancing to stop the spread of coronavirus, at home acupressure can be applied at ST36 (4 finger widths down from the base of the patella aka knee cap and one thumb lateral to tibia), LU7 (interlock your thumb and index finger of one hand with those of the other, the point lies on the edge of the index finger, in a depression between the tendons and the radius bone), SP6 (locate the highest point of the medial ankle bone - medial malleolus- and measure 4 finger widths up your leg and apply pressure just behind the tibia), and P6 (on the inner arm three finger widths up from the wrist between the two tendons).

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Sleep whenever you're tired

By not sleeping enough, we increase stress and suppress our immunity. If we're drinking caffeinated drinks throughout the day we may not even realize just how tired we really are. Because sleeping is important to rebuilding a weakened immune system, we need to let ourselves sleep as much as we need to help protect against coronavirus.

Exercise, but not too much

Exercise can be one of the best things to do to boost immunity and help fight COVID 19. However, we have to be careful because too much exercise is stressful on the body and can be tough on our immune system. Some type of cardio exercise five days a week, 30 to 40 minutes per day helps to circulate your blood and improve the flow of lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid travels through your cells and tissues and removes bacteria, toxins, and waste products.

Consume immune-boosting vitamins


To boost your immune system and protect against coronavirus, it is best to eat immunity supporting foods like citrus fruits, garlic, broccoli, and leafy greens. If your immune system is compromised due to lack of sleep and chronic stress, it can also be helpful to supplement with key vitamins and minerals that may have become depleted like Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Zinc.

Aim for a balanced diet of whole, unprocessed foods that contain plenty of antioxidants. Be sure to include four to five servings of greens, such as lettuces, mustard and collard greens. Get plenty of mushrooms. Not only are mushrooms a great source of immune-boosting vitamin D, but studies also show that varieties such as maitake and reishi can boost white blood cell activity. To reduce inflammation, add ginger, rosemary,oregano, turmeric, and especially garlic. When crushed, garlic releases allicin, a compound that fights infection-causing microbes. Sugar, processed meat, vegetable oils, and alcohol tend to be inflammatory foods that distract the immune system, leaving other problems in your body unaddressed.


Gastrointestinal Tract

Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract makes up a large part of your immune system - up to 70% of your immune cells live along its path. The lining of your intestines secretes antibodies and contains cells that recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Your gut has both good and bad bacteria. They can work for you, by synthesizing vitamins or against you, by triggering an autoimmune response or even disease. For optimal gut health take a daily probiotic and avoid processed foods.

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is another great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, combat oxidative stress, protect against cell damage and enhance overall immune system functions. It has been proven to prevent and reduce the length and severity of flu and cold symptoms. The high antioxidant capacity helps to protect cells and promote healthy inflammation response, useful in boosting your immunity and fighting to prevent COVID-19.

At Life Point Acupuncture Newport Beach, we carry most of these supplements in our clinic and Renee at our front dest will be happy to get them sent out to you if you are struggling to find them in the stores. We are all in this together and we would love to help in any way we can at this time, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can be helpful.